遼寧省成人本科生學(xué)士學(xué)位英語(藝、體、二外類)考試樣題Part Ⅲ

成人高考 責(zé)任編輯:唐丹平 2020-03-30

摘要:遼寧省成人本科生學(xué)士學(xué)位英語(藝、體、二外類)考試樣題Part Ⅲ如下

Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C,and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

31.All the students of this university do not study English means.

A.None of the students in this university study English

B.No one studies English

C.Not every student in this university sutdies English

D.Everyong studies English

32.Flight 104 will arrive at.

A.Gate 4B.the Gate 4

C.fourth gateD.the four gate

33.Look at these clouds.

A.It will be rainingB.It will rain

C.It is to rainD.It′s going to rain

34.Isince 1996.

A.have entered the collegeB.have been a college stuednt

C.was a college studentD.have gone to college

35.These kinds of shoeswell.

A.won′t be soldB.are not sold

C.were not sold D.don′t sell

36.All these factors into consideration.

A.has been to takeB.ought to take

C.have to be takenD.will have to take

37.Are these documents very important?

Yes, you leave them lying about.

A.ought not to B.needn′t

C.may notD.mustn′t

38.No one like that to her face.

A.dare speakB.dares speak

C.dare speaksD.dared spoke

39.―Would you help me do it? (He asked his deskmate.)

―(The most appropriate response is)

A.Yes, please.B.Certainly.

C.Why not?D.With pleasure.

40.do you wind your watch?

A.How longB.How soon

C.How oftenD.How much

41.Let′s hurry to that trolley-bus or we′ll be late school.



42.Whyto the restaurant?

A.not to goB.not go

C.not goingD.don′t go

43.Be sureyour son here again.

A.not to bringB.not bring

C.don′t bringD.not bringing

44.We had to read the whole novel,?

A.shouldn′t weB.didn′t we

C.don′t weD.weren′t we

45.It is foolishmoney to him.

A.for you to lendB.you lend

C.of your lendingD.of you to lend

46.This chair is comfortable.

A.to sitB.to sit in

C.sittingD.sitting in

47.He is a very handsome manthe scar on his face.

A.even ifB.even though


48.Heeverything by the time I finish the letter.

A.will doB.has done

C.will be doingD.will have done

49.The wolf went back the wayit had come.

A.in whichB./

C.that D.which

50.What astonished me most was he declared he wouldn′t respond to her immediately.









